Sunday soccer this morning, great weather for a pickup game. I scored three goals mostly by being at the face of the goal when the ball came in.

Day dawned in mist, then turned to rain, so I worked under the carport to make a firewood rack from a pallet. I used two electric saws, a drill, and a hammer, and felt quite handy when I was done.

firewood rack

Oliver had just healed from the navicular fracture in his foot. Now he’s got a possible navicular fracture in his wrist. He’s bummed, to say the least.

Heard the news of Pele’s death while I was driving my son to ortho urgent care to get his wrist evaluated (fell while ice skating yesterday). We looked at each other and took a moment of silence for the great one.

Dropped family at the Duke Chapel for Christmas service and I went to walk the Al Buehler Trail. Halfway way around came upon an older woman who had fallen and broken a wrist. Stayed to wait with her daughter for paramedics. Hope that family is able to be warm and well later.

These cinnamon rolls were out of the oven before any of the family had awakened.

cinnamon rolls

Family in other room watching Little Women, with a fire warming the house. I’m enjoying a cortado and the winter sun reflecting off the dining table. Dough for tomorrow’s cinnamon rolls rising in the kitchen corner.

Test post to see if my linking to my Mastodon account let’s me see this post over there (in the side panel in Vivaldi browser).

Stepping through the instructions to connect my posts to Mastodon: my Mastodon-compatible username is - I also have a Mastodon account but do I need both?

Power has been out for a few hours. Wheeled the generator to side of house and plugged into panel. First time since we remodeled in 2018. It worked! House has electricity. Alas not enough for heat so we’ll make a fire.

Just paid into, where I’ll be mistersugar again.

Cutting our Austin trip a day short to beat the arctic bomb cyclone. Weather here was cold and gray, but we enjoyed the warmth of family and visits to coffee shops, a brewery, and food trucks. Yesterday’s drive to Fredericksburg was nice, saw Nick’s AirBnB, shopped on Main St.

On this rainy day in Austin, I chilled at the house; went for coffee at Radio; bought a sweatshirt at the UT co-op; bowled three games at Westgate Lanes (Oliver & I had a blast); and now at house laughing with the little ones and my dad, who flew in from Rhode Island.

I have been let into, so I’m mistersugar over there. Let’s see where this goes. I don’t feel the excitement I did when I joined Twitter in 2007, or the satisfaction I get in backing and using, but I believe in online community so I can’t give up.

Watching World Cup final in cold Austin air at Meanwhile Brewing Company.

Fun first day in Austin visiting brother and his family. From airport to Meanwhile Brewing Company for tacos & last 15 minutes of the Croatia-Morocco match; an hour at Urban Air (nephews at party), later ceviche at Salt Traders & the Trail of Lights in Zilker Park.

Played pickup soccer this morning in the cold (about 34ºF). The guys from Morocco and Algeria were quite excited about today’s World Cup match. Me, too. And I’m jazzed because I scored a beautiful goal just before I had to leave to get home for work.

Sunday pickup soccer this morning was fun. A few of the guys are from Morocco, so there were smiles even before we got started.

Upgraded MarsEdit to v5 (always happy to pay fo this great tool); trying micropost feature here.

Bummer for USA. For next game I have donned my Socceroos jersey I picked up in Australia in 2018.

selfie in Australia jersey