I moved the Meyer lemon tree from the garden to our inside laundry room. Tree has dozens of blossoms now and my office nearby is filled with fragrance.

lemon blossoms

Soccer Sunday: played pickup with the guys early; returned home to watch Premier League matches; now watching Oliver’s Triangle United team playing (though he’s on bench with his fractured foot).

oh my gosh, I watched a YouTube tutorial about the espresso machine I recently bought, I made a good cappuccino, and now I’m buzzing!

Lots of activity down at the build site, including the bagging of a big buck by one of the electricians (bow hunter who was up a tree before sunrise; he has license and signed our waiver). Lots of expertise among these tradesmen, and this writer respects their skills.

buck with antlers

After soccer, my son and I drove to Greensboro for brunch with Anna (nursing student). On the way, I listened to U2X Radio on SiriusXM & the Elevation interview show with John Kelly. He interviewed an expert on the haiku of Bashō & it was a delightful conversation.

Here in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, we have a stationery shop called Crazy Alan’s Emporium. I stopped in for pen refills. After he found the right ones, Alan showed me some of the fountain pens, then mentioned he’s closing the shop next August (but still going to pen shows).

My quandry: A family member needs to have a conference call with me and others. She wants us to use WhatsApp. I don’t use any Meta apps. This call is important, but I don’t want anything to do (again) with Meta/Facebook.

Visit to the periodontist yesterday left me with a bad taste in my mouth - teeth are sticky and gummy (no pun intended). Multiple calls and dentist still wouldn’t call me but office sheduled me for next Thursday. I am super annoyed going into the weekend.

Making one last batch of hot sauce on my makeshift outdoor kitchen. This is with the chiles from the neighbor and promises to be blazing hot.

outdoor kitchen

Owl In The Chilly Night

Cleaning up the kitchen and heard an owl so stepped outside to record the night sounds.

A long day doing what I love: playing soccer with an international group; brunch with friends; attending a reception to support Cheri Beasley, who is running to be senator for North Carolina (Georgia Senator Jon Ossoff gave an intro); canning hot sauce and tomato puree.

Here is a gift link to the Washington Post article about the award-winning short film about the Indian family that met Neil Armstrong.

iPhone 8 Plus ➡️ iPhone 14 Pro Looking forward to contributing better photos to the timeline.

Brunch at the neighbor’s house. Met another neighbor, who invited me to pick chiles in his garden. He grows some very hot peppers! I’ll make more hot sauce.

bowl of chiles

Just relinked Drummer to Micro.blog so I can post from my outline.

The forest outside is raining acorns. Not sure if there’s anything to make of them.

At the Carrboro Farmers Market this morning, I bought a few containers of larger roselle calyxes, a box of canning tomatoes, and an assortment of chiles. Chiles are brining and will become hot sauce and roselle syrup is cooling. Tomorrow I’ll can crushed tomatoes.

Just posted my picture for the microblog photo initiative. Not great image. My phone is quite old and new phone to arrive later today. I’m lucky to live on this land.

Friday, October 14, 2022, 11:11 a.m., Chapel Hill, North Carolina, U.S.A., North America, Planet Earth. A pleasant fall day. Stepping away from work to check on the rocks I’ve been lining along the property edge. Listening to the birds above and acorns falling to forest floor.

line of rocks

“That this nation under God shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.”
