I was outside with puppy and chickens. Come inside to reports that house had just shaken. I missed an earthquake. Just like I missed a temblor years back when I was in Duke Hospital elevator.

The view changed! Closest rainbow I’ve ever seen.


The view from the back porch, to the garden and chicken coop, as rain pours down.

Rain storm from back porch

Starting to read this now, and am expecting to have my view of history and current society expanded. 📖

Caste, by Isabel Wilkerson

The Aug. 3 & 10, 2020 issue of the New Yorker is filled with good reading, including pieces on the Army Corps of Engineers, a Dutch cybercriminal and his bunker business, and the skin. I’ll never tire of reading quality magazine journalism on a summer afternoon.

We’re taking a #daytrip with Indiana Jones and the Lumina Theater, pod D1 on the Southern Village lawn. Eighties music playing. I first saw Raiders with my father in an unheated theater in Nampa, Idaho, on a winter night in 1981.

Our local independently owned bookstore puts a bookmark in each book.

A day or two behind, but here is a #bisect image.

Mind the flow, please.

There was an old blackjack oak next to our house when we bought it. It dropped big leaves and small acorns. We took it down and milled it last year and we hope to make tables in the future. Just came across this young tree on edge of the gravel road.

Every photo I posted to MB before was square but with that bball photo I discovered I can post the full image. How have I missed that?

Always wished I could float like MJ. #mbaug

Ginger is blooming. This rhizome is watered by the air condition condensation drain pipe so moist all summer. Tropical storm (now hurricane Isaias) is headed our way so in a couple of days everything will be soaked.

Lemon drop and cayenne chiles from the garden. Thai (they grow #up), habanero, and serrano still to ripen. #mbaug

Dined out for first time in 5 months, patio at Hawthorne & Wood in Chapel Hill. Main was flounder in lemongrass coconut milk, delicious, reminding me of my favorite coriander-crusted red snapper dish at Harbourside in Port Vila.

I’m feeling dejected today, but listening to President Barack Obama give the eulogy for Rep. John Lewis is slapping me in the face and getting me to stand up straight and keep moving forward.

We watched three seasons of Broadchurch in just a few weeks. Dark story lines but exceptional acting and production.

Planning a refresh of the Zuiker Chronicles and thinking I’d bring back the original logo, a nod to the family’s Ravens Roost campsite in WI), but seeing the woodpecker yesterday now I think it’s time for a new logo with that bird. Who can I hire to design?

After A Storm

Once the afternoon thunderstorm passed over us, I walked out in the woods and encountered the dreaded princess tree.

Looked up from desk today to see a pileated woodpecker in silhouette pecking at silver elm. Later, on my run in woods, almost stepped on a rough green snake, and heard a pair of barred owls hooting at each other. Nuthatch desperate to escape the chicken coop.