Sitting on the back deck as evening comes. Talked with one of my brothers in Austin. Listening now to the cicadas and that young great horned owl squawking in the woods. Ginger plants next to me getting ready to bloom.

My dad’s been in the U.S. Virgin Islands since January, worried about hurricane season in the Caribbean and wanting to get back to his other home and office. But now Honolulu is about to get a hurricane. Hope the islands fare well.

Reading Our remote work future is going to suck and all these feelings and frustrations that have been building for the last four months are starting to make sense.

Stepped away from the desk, out into the warm day, checked the garden, picked tomatoes and lemon drop chile and basil. Heard a hawk call above and a woodpecker drumming on a dead treetrunk.

Family watching the end of The Greatest Showman, one of our favorite movies. Before I die, I want to be part of a Bollywood-style song and dance. Such joy in sound and movement.

Haven’t seen my mother since January so this morning we each drove 1.5 hours and met in Smithfield, NC, to sit in a Panera and talk over breakfast. Outside, we doffed our masks for a quick photo.

Department of Being Stupid: Needed a run, thought I could beat the rain, laced up the shoes and started down the gravel road, 100 yards and Bam! lightning strike way too close. Turned and high-tailed back to the house, heart thumping. More thunder and lights are flickering.

Home alone, and this house is quiet, still, calm. But this serenity won’t last long. The family drove east, and will soon be home with a golden retriever puppy.

Pleasant Evening with Birdsong

I am enjoying the peace of the front patio and the birds in the tress above.

Sunday morning, buttermilk biscuits in the oven, sorting out our banking - bank-merger regulations means our accounts are to be transferred to a third bank - and soon to sit with another cup of coffee to watch Arsenal vs. Tottenham.

Two friends came over this morning to help me make a trail in the woods. We completed about 60 yards, chatted along the way, later grilled hot dogs and sat for lunch. It was nice to spend time outside with buddies.

Honey bee on the flowering allium.

Box turtle near the carport.

On our last day at the beach, we did our usual family jump photo. Had a great time at the Outer Banks.

Been an intense week preparing for tomorrow’s annual presentation by the chair of the Duke Department of Medicine. Taking a break to finish the last of the sour cherries, making a shrub and a compote.

I was disappointed I couldn’t make my annual pilgimage to Galax, Virginia to pick sour cherries at Levering Orchard yesterday (work!). But my friends Rose and Steve were able to go today, the trees still had fruit, they brought me 16 pounds, and I can prepare pie filling tonight.

Almost to my anniversary as a blogger, I came to a realization that for as much as I’ve written over 20 years, I’ve been silent on racism—and I must do more to advocate for justice and equity. Here’s my post.

On the front patio with coffee, researching how to deal with a brooding hen, listening to the wind in the poplar leaves, and reading more of McCann’s Apeirogon. 📖

There’s a juvenile great horned owl out in the woods tonight begging for food with its piercing scream.

Out for an afternoon drive to see a house being built by a contractor we might engage on our next project.