Rain most of the day. When I woke from my nap, stillness, so I walked into town for coffee. Back home, I seeded pomegranates for the semiannual batch of homemade grenadine while listening to Peter Gabriel’s Passion album on vinyl.

This is a test

This is a test. I am refreshing myself on how to send a post to Micro.blog from iA Writer.

Another book I finished reading this month: The Point by Steve Woodruff. I previously read Woodruff’s Clarity Wins book about clear and direct communication. Both are very instructive.📚

I finished reading How to Know a Person by David Brooks. A lot of what Brooks focuses on, including pausing and deep listening, is what I’ve been working on this year. A longer blog post to come to reflect on what I’ve learned about myself in this. 📚

It took me half the year, but I finally finished reading Victory City by Salman Rushdie 📚

Buck with antlers.

Woken early by young nephews so I took a pre-dawn walk on the wide streets of Fredericksburg, Texas. Yesterday we enjoyed good wine and family conversation at Signor Vineyards. Saturday was UT football win. Fun vacation so far.

Last night at soccer near Pittsboro, I noticed a marbled salamander walking through the grass toward the playing pitch. I moved it to a safe distance away. My phone was in the truck so I didn’t get a photo of the beautiful, moist creature.

A few nights ago, this copperhead snake was crossing the gravel road near the old house. I stopped to move it (with a long pine branch) back into the woods. I love snakes but I’ve since been convinced that I should have run over this one to best protect the people and pets in our area.

Went for a short walk behind the house and came upon two male Eastern box turtles.

Male box turtle

A new long table

Before: The photo I posted to Micro.blog in 2019 of the blackjack oak on the mobile sawmill. The slabs from that day dried for more than 3 years, then went to the cabinet maker working on our new house. After: The cabinet maker crafted this table for the dining room. We’re very happy at the result and looking forward to many meals, drinks, and conversations with family, friends, and strangers.

This male box turtle was not happy at being bumped by the wheel of the lawn mower. He was hissing and moving away but stopped long enough for a photo.

box turtle in grass
box turtle (female)

Big rains and turtles on the hunt.

Box turtle (male)

Noticed this delicate strand of flowers at the base of a tree on our property: naked-flowered tick trefoil (Hylodesmum nudiflorum).


Walking into town for coffee, observing spring blossoms, cottontail rabbits, caterpillars and millipedes. In the power company easement along the creek I locked eyes with a large coyote that then turned and trotted away.

How I am feeling on my birthday: I have watched this flash mob video of Ode to Joy 3 times and cried each time. I also walked into town for breakfast with my lovely wife, then we planted a dogwood in the front yard. Now cooking a meal for friends and family. A good day.

A photo of the red-spotted newt.

red-spotted newt