Decided to walk the path along my rock-wall property line. It’s been raining and dripping since last evening. Thirty seconds after thinking ‘the turtles will be out today’ I came across this male box turtle with his head against the rock.

Decided to walk the path along my rock-wall property line. It’s been raining and dripping since last evening. Thirty seconds after thinking ‘the turtles will be out today’ I came across this male box turtle with his head against the rock.
Thursday, May 2, 2024
From Chapel Hill, North Carolina, a moment in the woods to listen to the birds and cicadas. Transcript
Over on the Zuiker Chronicles, I wrote about our recent road trip to Montgomery, Alabama to visit the Legacy Sites, which are beautiful spaces and displays and art that commemorate the horror and evil of slavery and lynching.
Wednesday, April 17, 2024
I’m in Northern Virginia for a work event. I needed a walk and saw the Winkler Botanical Preserve nearby.
I observed the eclipse in Carrboro, North Carolina using binoculars with lens filters. I also used the perforated pizza pan to project shadows onto the back of the adirondack chair.
The hillside below our house is showing its wildflowers. In this nook are wild ginger, pennywort, and rue anemone. Lovely spring.
With warm weather and a big group of friends, today’s Sunday pickup soccer was pure fun. Then coffee and Colum McCann’s new book, American Mother, on the porch as birds chirp away.
I found time yesterday to get the Duke River of News back online. It’s now at, though I expect to reconfigure the tabs to best reflect the complexity of Duke University and its wide range of medical, nursing, engineering, arts, sports, and much more.
A beautiful day in Chapel Hill. I spent the morning in the back finishing a flower garden in which I planted narrow-leaved sunflower and Eastern native mix from Garrett Wildflower Seed Farm (a North Carolina company).
A new book to read: American Mother by Colum McCann, one of my favorite authors. 📚
I’ve been using since the beginning yet I still don’t know what I’m doing wrong for longer posts. The full post with headline shows on my site but in my M.b timeline I only see the headline linked to the post. Guess I need to read the manual. Homework for tomorrow.
The monthly worknotes that I instituted for myself and my team at work have been a hit. Routinely documenting our work is helping me manage better and our team work better. (h/t @dave for teaching me to ‘narrate my work’). Naturally, I was happy to read Doing weeknotes. (h/t @benwerd)
Tuesday, March 12, 2024
On my lunch break in Durham today, I went to the post office to mail our tax info to the accountant, then walked to a small coffee shop I’ve not yet visited, EverLou. The coffee was good, and served in a proper mug. I enjoyed it at an outdoor table, rereading Twenty Bits I Learned About Making Fonts Book by designer Dan Cederholm. I like Dan’s style, so I subscribed to his new Simple Type Club.
Rainy day in Chapel Hill, but there was still a good showing for the 5K for Education. Glad to have been out there for a run around campus and neighborhoods. When we were getting out of the car back home, I watched a red fox, white tip of bushy tail, run away through the woods
My son, Oliver, joined me for Sunday morning pick-up soccer in Durham. We both played well, and on the ride home we talked about how much fun we had on the pitch.
Somehow we have a 45 single of The Monkees singing I’m a Believer and it sounds as fun on the turntable tonight as when I first heard the song in the 80s (I watched them on MTV). B side is Steppin’ Stone.
Attending the Ceremony for the Unveiling of the Manly McCauley Historical Matker in Carrboro, NC. This is part of the Equal Justice Initiative goal to acknowledge every lynching victim in the USA.
New blog post at Zuiker Chronicles: I’m well into my fifties now and finally landed on a theme for this decade (listening).
One of the thousands of anole lizards darting around the island of St. Croix.