Went for a short walk behind the house and came upon two male Eastern box turtles.

Male box turtle

A new long table

Before: The photo I posted to Micro.blog in 2019 of the blackjack oak on the mobile sawmill. The slabs from that day dried for more than 3 years, then went to the cabinet maker working on our new house. After: The cabinet maker crafted this table for the dining room. We’re very happy at the result and looking forward to many meals, drinks, and conversations with family, friends, and strangers.

This male box turtle was not happy at being bumped by the wheel of the lawn mower. He was hissing and moving away but stopped long enough for a photo.

box turtle in grass
box turtle (female)

Big rains and turtles on the hunt.

Box turtle (male)

Noticed this delicate strand of flowers at the base of a tree on our property: naked-flowered tick trefoil (Hylodesmum nudiflorum).


Walking into town for coffee, observing spring blossoms, cottontail rabbits, caterpillars and millipedes. In the power company easement along the creek I locked eyes with a large coyote that then turned and trotted away.

How I am feeling on my birthday: I have watched this flash mob video of Ode to Joy 3 times and cried each time. I also walked into town for breakfast with my lovely wife, then we planted a dogwood in the front yard. Now cooking a meal for friends and family. A good day.

A photo of the red-spotted newt.

red-spotted newt

Have not been able to use Sunlit app in many months. Updated to latest. Still always get a snippets error when trying to post. Will jump over to @help pages to troubleshoot.

Still working to dig out the Chinese wisteria. Today dug up old oil jug and found this red-spotted newt beneath.

If you enjoyed the music in Ted Lasso Season 3 Episode 3, then you must watch the fabulous music video for Adriano Celentano’s Prisencolinensinainciusol.

Emptying closets in preparation for the move to the new house, I found this instrument, oboe I played from 7th grade through college.


This bloodroot is having a great spring.

bloodroot leaves

New bottle of tasty heat filled from the jar of homemade sauce I processed last summer.

bottle of hot sauce

On a walk in the woods this morning, along the hill just below our new house, I came across pennywort (Obolaria virginica), hairy bedstraw (Galium pilosum), and this rue anemone (Thalictrum thalictroides), all so delicate.

Thalictrum thalictroides

I’m seeing an error message at the top of the page here in Micro.blog. Never realized there was a log I could follow. Interesting, and yet another reminder of the tools and functions so carefully built into Mb.