I still have a few days to switch my soccer brain off in time for the Vikings game that Joel is treating me to. Not a great sign that I just learned Mack Brown’s story. Turns out he’s a legendary football coach here in Chapel Hill and in Austin, where our brother Nick is a UT football fanatic.

When we were in Napa Valley earlier this month, Erin and I missed out on a table at the French Laundry. Here’s the NYTimes reviewing (gift link) the famous restaurant on its 30th year. Cool to see the cookbook has sold a million copies (co-author Michael Ruhlman is a friend).

Fun to hear Paul and Octavio on WUNC today talking about Los Jets, the mostly Latino NC high school soccer team that won a state championship in 2004. I play pickup soccer with these 2 in Pittsboro on Wednesday nights.

Daughter studying abroad in Spain is having major issues with her iPhone. She’s spent 5 days trying to resolve it on her own, at the Apple store, with me on FaceTime. The device is dearly important but super frustrating to her (and me).

Earlier, I walked up the gravel road in the dark to get the mail. On the way, I stopped to chat with neighbor Kumar, who was setting up his telescope. With Jupiter visible in the clear sky, he let me look and I saw the giant planet with four of its moon. Amazing!

We just watched Joy, the Netflix movie about IVF, and it was beautiful. Great acting, great story, great science.

A very good way to start a Monday: wake early, meditate as the sky brightens into reds, take pot from oven where supper’s chicken carcasses simmered overnight and finish into aromatic stock, drink good coffee, write in journal, make bed, hug wife, rouse the teenager.

Late-season hit peppers at the Carrboro Farmers Market yesterday means I am makingam making one last batch of hot sauce. This will go straight into bottles, some goe today’s post-soccer potluck and some for family in Cleveland.

Thank you Tottenham Hotspur for showing up to the match today. Great win!

Than you @frankm for reminding me that I can use Drummer to post to Micro.blog. This and previous posts are just that.

It’s been a couple of months since I last updated my Now page. I’ve been thinking about making a Where page, and a New page.

I arrived early for last night’s pick-up soccer game so was there when the lights popped on to illuminate the field. It had rained most of the day. The game was fun. Did not score but I played well enough.

Found this anole underneath a concrete block on my work pile out back. It was slow to move in the cool autumn air so I snappwd this portrait.

I am trying to eat more beans. Recently, I ruined a pot by over salting. Today, I’ve cooked the beans to mush. Still learning.

The red fox nabbed one of our hens today. I ran outside, fox dropped chicken, neck was broken and it died shortly after. I buried it in the woods and locked the three remaining hens inside the coop.

While we were driving through the vineyards of Napa Valley last week, I told Erin that I expected the Republicans to quickly propose a constitutional amendment to allow Trump to run for a third term. Wouldn’t you know it, today’s headline says Trump is already joking about another term. #madness

From Napa to Sacramento to Pt. Reyes National Seashore and across the Golden Gate Bridge to San Francisco, this has been a fun week away. So good to see our daughter, Anna. We were mesmerized by beauty of the land and sea but also horrified by the misery of the homeless. Headed home now.

Most Saturdays I visit the Carborro Farmers Market (North Carolina). Today I am on the other side of rhe country at the Davis Farmers Market (California).

In a surreal bit of timing, I’ve spent the last few days in Napa Valley. While my present state of mindfulness is bliss - a serene inn with Bouchon Bakery croissants at the door each morning, good wine, perfect weather, time with Erin - I feel a lingering worry for the future. #rested&ready

It’s been a busy few days with family visiting from Austin, Wilmington (NC), and Rhode Island. Today we went to the food truck rodeo at Durham Central Park. Beautiful day, fun times, good food and drinks. Last night was dinner at Acme in Carrboro. Tonight a show at Cat’s Cradle.