So nice to have a day off to unplug from the laptop, the Internet, and the phone (mostly carried as a camera). An adventure with my son, yard work with daughters, then Malia driving the new (old, red, running well) Ford Ranger. Soon, cake.
Took the day off to enjoy my birthday. Drove with Oliver to the farm store for supplies, then to Jordan Dam to birdwatch. No bald eagles but plenty of osprey and great blue herons at the tailrace.

We sold our Ford Ranger this morning. Then gathered up the rusty barbed wired along the property line in preparation for an epic egg hunt next week. Came across this beautiful (and harmless) rat snake near the corner of the land.

Early visit to the Carrboro Farmers Market for plants and seedlings (bloodroot, camellia, basil, chard). Now sitting on front porch with coffee looking out to misty woods. Singing birds and percussive woodpeckers. Spring.
Got my first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine today. As luck would have it a good friend was there at same time and captured the occasion.

Erin helping Oliver get ready to return to school tomorrow. She retrieved his backpack and discovered a plastic container with moldy grapes left there since the last day of school in March 2020. Wonder how many other parents are finding similar detritus.
Here’s the more established bloodroot that’s at the base of the big white oak tree next to the house.

Twice this weekend I stopped the car to get out and move this box turtle from the gravel driveway.

The bloodroot I planted last spring out behind the firepit has awakened with the warmer weather.

Pi Day? Ok, went to my go-to pie, sour cherry with the filling I canned last summer from cherries picked by my friend, Rose, at Levering Orchard in Galax, Virginia.

Catching the sun’s rays on Spring morning.

A piece of wood out on the back slope, looked like an animal skull when I first spotted it. My grandfather, Frank the Beachcomber, would have called that trade goods and given me $5 for it.

One of the early flowers that are poking up around the yard.

Every one of the 10 hens gave an egg today.

Saturday, March 6, 2021
I have many tools to note what I am noticing and mark what I observe. I have a main blog and a microblog and a 1999 blog, and I have typewriters and notebooks and pencils and pens, and I have a phone filled with apps and numbers to call family and friends. What I don’t have is the discipline to use them all, or even a good habit to use just one over and over.
Father-and-son weekend getaway. Here’s Oliver at Wrightsville Beach.

Spring’s first color.

I am going to watch every single video by the Marsh Family! Sweet COVID-19 relief. Read here and then find them on YouTube.
For 15 years Krankies in Winston-Salem has been our go-to stop for coffee on our trips to and from Cleveland. It’s 90 minutes from Chapel Hill so a good milestone. On this weeekend to rest and reflect, I am happy sitting here, thinking about my goals and looking forward.