I’m feeling well today, glad to be past that COVID illness (though I presume I’m still positive, so still in quarantine and masking). Am eager to re-engage with the yard, the town, the world.

Tiny mushroom out in the woods. There is a pleasant breeze cooling the forest. Feels good to be outside.

COVID Chronicles: Still sequestered, still sucking honey-cherry lozenges. Checked my email to catch up on my friend Michael Ruhlman and his newsletter, saw his mention of a cooking drama called The Bear, so I’ve just binged all 8 episodes. Enjoyed it! #chicago

The July 25, 2022 issue of the New Yorker is doing as much (or more than) the ibuprofen and tissue box to get me through this COVID. Great articles about super yachts, narrative medicine, and the Volkswagen bus.

Fauna, too. This looks to be a katydid. (‘Wedding of the Bugs’ is one the most fun songs ever!)

Flora Funga out back.

I keep telling my wife that my purchase of notebooks and pencils is done, but then Blackwing went and made a new set of pencils featuring the Paper Girls comics book by Brian K. Vaughan, who was a college intern with me and childhood friend of Erin’s family. +12 pencils to come.

My post-vacation blog chronicles is delayed because I am possessed of Covid, shivering in bed but laughing at family text stream referencing Temple of Gozer from Ghostbusters. Glad I was vaxed and boosted prior to the cruise.

Enjoying good Seattle coffee (in sleepy Magnolia neighborhood) after a week at sea. Cruise to Alaska was much fun. Last night was a stop in Victoria, B.C. and was one of the best date nights ever: tapas and strolling and then drinks & dessert at trattoria, great sunset.

Still on the cruise ship, headed south back to Seattle. Much to report (when back home) about our few days in Alaska. Great weather, fun excursions, glaciers and whales and otters and eagles and bears!

On the Quantum of the Seas heading north to Alaska. On the pool deck giant screen this morning was a documentary about volcanologists rappelling into Benbow Crater on Ambrym Island (Vanuatu). Surreal to see that - I stood at the crater lip in 1999.

Arrived in Seattle late last night. Woke up this morning and looked out the hotel window (43rd floor) and there’s Mt Ranier floating. My goodness it is majestic.

As we construct a new house on the back lot, a variety of trucks have parked in front of our house. Today the power company is installing a new underground transformer and cables.

Box turtle crossing the driveway last night. 🐢

The FMail app (for my Fastmail account) continues to give me a spinning beach ball. Not sure why this app has degraded over time. I’m on up-to-date Mac and app is current version. Concerning me.

Long travel day yesterday from Rhode Island to North Carolina with too much time sitting in cramped airplanes. I’m glad to be home.

I had the best father-son day today on our trip to Block Island -Oliver and I biked and talked and shopped and body surfed. Great weather, beautiful setting, sweet ice cream, good memories.

I want to use Font Awesome icons in a post. Maybe I have misunderstood the FA plugin, which states “Adds Font Awesome icons to your blog, available to use in templates.” If that means only in templates, can we rewrite that sentence to be clear? @help

Are there instructions for how to use the new Font Awesome plug-in? I have a FA Pro account; is there a need for me to connect it to Mb? How do I call an FA icon? As a test, here’s the ferry icon because tomorrow I’m going on the Block Island Ferry: @help

Biking with my father and son to Snug Harbor for breakfast, through a neighborhood of new houses, and back to Jerusalem. #rhodeisland