Flowering milkweed in the Trustom Pond wildlife refuge, costal Rhode Island. Beautiful day today after yesterday’s soaking rains.

Travel day: flying from Raleigh-Durham to Rhode Island with my son. Prepared for whatever delays may come so wearing my favorite Reyn Spooner Hawaiian shirt. ‘Fly with aloha’ is my M.O. today.

Got today’s Wordle on fifth line, but questioned whether it was a real word so I opened the New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary and did find it at the end of the root word’s entry. Love my dictionary.

I’m on the porch with my coffee (in the Flyleaf Books mug) and the new issue of The Atlantic. I’m reading Ed Yong’s piece on on animal senses — blue jays are chatting about but I also hear a noisy leaf blower in the park below, and a rock saw on our building site.

Asking this great Micro.blog community for recommendations of what to see, do, eat, or drink in Skagway, Juneau, and Victoria. (Yes, Erin and I are hopping a cruise in Seattle next month.)

I get sad to my core when I come across a smashed box turtle on the gravel driveway.

Up early this morning to monitor the concrete pouring into the footings of our new house. First truck pulled up at 6:15. Both exciting and nerve wracking to watch the preparation and construction of this house-to-be.

Wow. Today’s session of the Select Committee on Jan. 6 was riveting and powerful. I stand in awe of the Americans who have stood strong for our democracy.

After lunch with Erin, I went out to the wood pile to split firewood (sourwood, maple, princess tree) and think about the Juneteenth holiday.

I wanted to prepare dinner yesterday as my Father’s Day gift to my family. We had chicken thighs in the fridge; I reached into the recipe binder and pulled out this shawarma at home. First time I’ve made it: delicious! The fam voted to make it a regular from here on out.

I’ve spent much of this Father’s Day on the patio with coffee, a magazine, and Our Own Worst Enemy: The Assault from within on Modern Democracy by Tom Nichols 📚. I’ve looked up to see squirrels hop from the garden fence into the pear tree & make off with the tiny fruit.

My latest blog post celebrates my daughter’s graduation from high school and pending enrollment at American University, where a relative once was president after he was a diplomat under Kissinger and Nixon.

Oliver and I are getting haircuts this morning. First time we have been to the barber together. We’ve driven to Raleigh to my usual barber (Kirby at Arrow North Hills) and will get breakfast next. Sang along with Hamilton soundtrack on our way here.

Listening to a new track by a young woman whom we’ve known since she was a toddler. You go, delia-h! open.spotify.com

The lightning has passed, and now the forest around our house is filled with lightning bugs. So awesome.

Big thunderstorm blew in an hour ago, and we’re still seeing flashes and now hearing deep rumbles. The walls and windows of this brick-solid house are shaking, which is remarkable. Earlier, a lightning strike nearby, so I’ll have to look for damage tomorrow.

I’m reading the newsletter from James Fallows, and I’m delighted to see he mentions @dave @jack and my good friend Beck Tench. Awesome!

I played soccer this morning, and quickly felt the heat and my lack of recent exercise (and too many graduation parties). Time to get back into shape!